"Paintings have a life of their own that derives from the painter's soul." Vincent Van Gogh

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Ballerina #37

Ballerina #37 / oil on canvas / 18x14
A chilly, windy, rainy day - perfect for painting!


  1. Oh Susan!!! Somehow I missed a few of your posts...I don't know how!!!!!!
    I love your last ballerina and the portrait of Michael is OUTSTANDING!!!
    Ballerina #37 is amazing...love her outfit! I can never get tired of these beauties!!

    1. Many thanks, Hilda - she flew off my brush - as if she needed to show us this high stepping pose!

  2. She does not care about the weather at all. Happy dancing, girls!

  3. Bonjour ma chère Susan,

    Finalement on pourrait dire que ta ballerine danse sous la pluie en ce jour maussade où tu l'as peint... A elle toute seule, elle apporte le soleil !
    Elle est géniale !
    Gros bisous ♡


Your comments are welcome and brighten my day!