"Paintings have a life of their own that derives from the painter's soul." Vincent Van Gogh

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Good News x2 !!!

And the good news is....the Roux and Cyr International Fine Art Gallery in Portland, Maine, is showcasing my work with a focus on ballerinas during the month of February. This is my first solo show and I am as excited as can be! The Art Walk event is on Friday, February 6th from 5 to 8 pm. I will be keeping my fingers crossed that the weather is clear and not too bitterly cold! Thank you so much to Susan Roux and Paul Cyr for giving me this incredible opportunity.

And speaking of good news, I have been invited to participate in a new gallery in Charleston, South Carolina. This gallery plans to open by mid-March and will focus on smaller works. I will post more news regarding this opportunity as we get closer to the opening date. I was told that the art market in Charleston is second in the US only to New York! Wowee! What a great art start to 2015!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Life Portrait

Warren Ronsheimer / oil on canvas / 14x11
Another Wednesday morning life session - this portrait has it all - big glasses, a well trimmed beard, a colorful jacket, good light and shadow! I was a happy camper!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Shonnard Family

Shonnard Family / oil on canvas 16x20 
Something about the start of this triple portrait called to me as I viewed it on my easel and so I decided to bring it to completion using a reference photograph that I took during the session last Wednesday morning. I generally don't go back to portraits I do from life for several reasons - one is that I consider my oil sketches done there to be a learning experience and to stand alone as such and, secondly, photographs never have the same color, intensity of shadow or nuances of expression that are apparent when painting from life. And many of my previous attempts to complete life portraits in the studio have resulted in pure disaster. My Wednesday morning goals are usually to try to capture a likeness, depict something of the character of the model and to bring what I have learned back to my studio work. That being said, I decided to go ahead and finish this work and I am happy with that decision. I would be very interested to hear what you think! Here are a few close ups:
Detail 1

Detail 2
 And a quick still life (it has been ages and ages since I painted a still life) as I just love the color and vitality of this arrangement.
Exuberance of Appearance / oil on Masonite / 14x18
I just found out that two of my Christmas paintings are being featured on a website that originates out of New York called Cricket's Crush as Holiday Gift Ideas for The Art Collector. Here is a link for those who might want to check it out - Cricket's Crush
Pretty exciting stuff!