"Paintings have a life of their own that derives from the painter's soul." Vincent Van Gogh

Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Dog and his Woman

14 x 18 / oil on linen 
An addition to my dog and human series.  And a close up view of the woman's face.

I have been thinking recently about remarkable moments in my art journey and one that stays with me occurred the first time I visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City as a young girl. I remember having a day all to myself and deciding to visit the museum. Spending a wonderful few hours there, I finally wandered into the European Art of the 19th Century section. Turning a corner heading from one room to the next, I was suddenly confronted by the larger than life Dead Christ with Angels by Edouard Manet. Perhaps it was the subject matter, or the intensely realistic depiction, or the play of light across the body with the face in shadow but, stopping in my tracks, I gasped at the horrible reality of what I was seeing combined with the incredible beauty of the painting. It was a shocking assault on my senses and one I have never forgotten. It was quite a moment - filling me with a rush of powerful emotion that stays with me even today. A piece of painted canvas transforming my whole experience and allowing me to appreciate a vision and a talent through my own senses. This is what great Art is all about.

Dead Christ with/Angels/ Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC/ 1864/ Edouard Manet

Monday, September 16, 2019

A Dog and her Man

A Dog and Her Man - oil on linen / 16 x 20

Still trying to find my way. A while ago I had started a series about people with their dogs and this one fits into that genre.

Two paintings done a short time ago from this same series:

12 x 12 / Oil on linen

14 x 18/ oil on linen

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Never Stop Learning

After about two weeks of daily struggle and disappointment with nearly a dozen wipe off paintings,  I finally let this one stay on the canvas. I don't know what my problem has been. Perhaps lack of inspiration as the hot days of summers end lay heavily upon us and seem to sap both strength and creativity. Or just one of those cycles where the paint brush and the mind of the artist are not in sync. I have found that the best way to get through these down times is not to obsess too much but to just keep on painting. My experience is that eventually you will break through. And so I am hoping this odd little portrait will be my first step on the road back.

HG Wells / oil on chipboard / 12 x 12
 I also treated myself to an hour or so inside Barnes & Noble - still a favorite place - and picked up this little gem of an art book.

I have only just begun to go through it but am discovering that, after a brief introduction, there are lessons and philosophical meandering by many of the instructors at the Art Students League of NY. Each lesson is unique, thoughtful and quite practical. I am thoroughly enjoying this book!