"Paintings have a life of their own that derives from the painter's soul." Vincent Van Gogh

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Things My Father Loved - Surfcasting

My father taught me to surfcast in the Atlantic Ocean off the white sandy beaches of Long Beach Island when I was growing up. I have the best memories of those hot summer days.  In this painting I purposefully left the water rather raw and rough to focus on the figure and his place in time and space. Oil on canvas panel 24 x 18.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I would like to apologize to all those who like and follow my Blog for my recent absense and lack of consistent posts. I have been going through a time of upheaval in my personal life which has taken most of my time, my attention and all of the energies of my soul for several weeks. I am just now starting to feel the desire and driving need to paint again. I thank all of you for staying with me through this time and I look forward to showing you my new work as it is created both here and on my facebook Fan Page http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/San-Diego-CA/Susan-Smolensky-Fine-Art/106897502674692?v=wall

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Feynmans Flight

Final adjustments made and I am considering Feynmans Flight done now.

I changed a few things and will add the suggestion of reins when the paint is dry and consider it done.
 36x24 oil on canvas.

Perhaps a few final tweaks and this will be done. I will put it away and take a look at it in a few days. I am trying to capture with paint and brushstrokes something that is beyond normal human perception. I am longing to show a connectedness of not only the objects, but of the moment in time to the unseen forces of the universe.  Complex objects are obeying the laws of nature as we perceive them while the tiny unseen objects of the universe are obeying quite a different set of rules.