"Paintings have a life of their own that derives from the painter's soul." Vincent Van Gogh

Thursday, August 27, 2015

More Big Ballerinas

Ballerina #41 oil on linen / 12x16

Ballerina # 40 oil on canvas / 16x20
Ballerina # 39 / oil on linen / 8x10 / SOLD

Friday, August 14, 2015

Wild Burro Family

Wild Burro Family / 12x16 / oil on linen board

Perhaps painting animals will shake my summertime blues? This little black baby burro was one of the cutest babies I have ever seen - photo was taken at wild burro auction in San Diego a few years back.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Doldrums and a Few Sales

I didn't realize until yesterday just how long it has been since I have posted a new painting on my blog. What triggered my realization was that I spent the day in my studio scraping off a multitude of old, unlovely paintings and gessoing canvas after canvas. Needless to say I have been in the doldrums and, although I have been painting consistently, I have not been happy with my recent work. I have signed up to take a portrait painting workshop in October and hope that will help to jump start my efforts. In the meantime, I will continue painting and see if I can recover some of what I have lost - I believe it is spontaneity and fearlessness that are lacking in my work. I have been through times like this in the past and my solution has always been to keep on painting, take some new instruction, watch art videos and never give up.

I received notification of sales this week from two of my galleries and that has helped somewhat to buoy my spirits. It is always encouraging when a complete stranger feels passionate enough about my work to purchase it for their home. I also sold an older painting off my website.

Del Mar Down the Home Stretch - This painting sold off my website and found a permanent home in Washington DC

A Hint of Merriment - Sold through the Reinert Fine Art Gallery in Charleston, South Carolina

Winter Cows - Sold through the Roux and Cyr Gallery in Portland, Me

The new owner was kind enough to send me a photo of Winter Cows hung in her lovely home!