"Paintings have a life of their own that derives from the painter's soul." Vincent Van Gogh

Monday, May 28, 2012

Wild Mustangs!

Today I went in search of the elusive wild mustang. Having seen them recently in captivity at the Board of Land Management facility where they were stripped of all dignity and majesty, I had to see them in their natural habitat. A neighbor suggested a drive along USA Parkway just west of Reno so that is where we headed today. And were greatly rewarded! We must have spotted over 40 wild mustangs and were able to get close to some and got some great photos to share. The gorgeous stallion above was all alone and let me and my camera approach him to about 100 feet. He looked so strong , so healthy and, well,  he looked so wonderfully free!

He showed no real fear of me but nonetheless kept a predetermined "cushion of safety" between us.

He let me take quite a few shots before turning tail and leaving me behind.

We next came across several larger bands of horses with babies - they were a little further away but if you click on this photo to enlarge it, you will see that the pinto baby in the background is nursing.

Later I went  back to the area where I had seen the chocolate stallion to find that he had returned with a friend. This second stallion was the most amazing color - perhaps a grayer shade of mauve? I think he is astoundingly beautiful - and he had no problem with letting me and my Sony get to within about 40 feet. What a beautiful, beautiful boy and a breathtaking experience for me - a city girl from San Diego with cowgirl blood in her veins!

Not a typical Memorial Day but I do want to say a word of thanks to all of our veterans for their service to our country. You are honored and deeply, deeply appreciated. Thank you.


  1. Quel ravissement que de pouvoir admirer grâce à vos magnifiques photos ces chevaux mustangs ! Quelle chance vous avez eu !
    Je suis certaines que certaines peintures vont naître de ces moments précieux.
    gros bisous

    1. Thank you, my friend. I will keep these photos as possible painting references for sure!

  2. Oh, Susan, you were so fortunate to see them, and take photos! They do look healthy, happy and free. I love to see the horses like this. Thank you so very much.

    1. Having failed to find them on several past attempts, I was swept away when I saw them - what a beautiful sight they were, Kathryn!

  3. Thank you so much for the photos.
    Interesting to see your part of the world!

    1. Thank you, Aase - I am glad you enjoyed them!

  4. Susan, thank you for posting this... they are just gorgeous. And it makes me sad that there is little 'space' for them anymore...

    1. I am sad about that too, Kelley - and find it hard to believe with all the open land out here. I don't know the science or the politics of it, but it would please me if we could just let them roam free. I came across the skeleton of a horse while taking my photos and it was quite sobering. But I comfort myself by knowing that at least he died free and not in some dirty holding pen or worse.

  5. Photograph three is outstanding. There's nothing more beautiful than a fine horse in motion. The brush almost looks like he's kicking up clouds of dust. It's a keeper.

    1. That is my favorite shot as well, Linda. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  6. What a fun experience! Thank you for sharing your unusual day.

    1. I hope to go and search them out again - maybe when there is snow on the ground!

  7. Quite incredible! Fantastic pictures,Susan, I'm looking forward to the paintings!

    1. It was an unforgettable experience. Ah yes - the paintings. I must wait for my muse to arrive!

  8. great shots Susan. how fun , i think some awesome work may come from these.

  9. Loved seeing your mustangs in their natural habitat and running free. Very inspiring and I look forward to seeing how you honor them with some fabulous paintings! I think it was a great way to spend Memorial Day!


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