"Paintings have a life of their own that derives from the painter's soul." Vincent Van Gogh

Monday, September 27, 2010

Tiger Gourd and Mozart

This little gourd caught my eye. Its called a Tiger Gourd and it was love at first sight. A few sycamore leaves from my backyard completed the still life set up. As I painted today, I filled my studio with the violin of  Isaac Stern playing Mozart: Violin Concertos. The CD is 70 minutes long and I placed the last brush stroke as the final note faded away - as it turned out, in this painting, I think of each stroke of paint as being equivalent to a musical note. That makes me happy.


  1. I love this--the purple foreground, those leaves. Cool! I like playing music too when I paint but I haven't tried classical for a long time.

  2. Thanks, Stephanie. I love painting to classical music - it seems to enter into me in a way that no other music does. Sometimes I will choose blues or the Beatles or Van Morrison, but I keep coming back to classical.

  3. Susan you have some great colors in this painting....that violet really sets the warm tones of the gourd off very nicely. Love it!


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