"Paintings have a life of their own that derives from the painter's soul." Vincent Van Gogh

Friday, February 22, 2019

The Lovely Lynn and Another Rabbit Dream

Lynn was such a great subject to paint with her mass of elegantly unruly hair and her slight smile. And I love doing profiles!

Lynn / oil on linen panel / 18x14

And another rabbit dream painting.......

Dignity of the Hare / oil on linen panel / 14 x 18
Yesterday was another snowy day - we ended up having to shovel the snow off the driveway twice in hopes of keeping it clear. I was exhausted at days end - but today is clear and crisp with not a single snowflake in sight! 

This photo is of two small plants in my front walkway that were blooming merrily right before our last big storm. Now they are buried in snow about 8 inches deep - I wonder how they are doing? My girlfriend in the UK told me they are called Christmas Roses and they generally bloom all winter long! What a miracle!


  1. Beautifully painted profile of Lynn, love how soft the hair looks and how it is kept together with the hair pin. Your flowers are Helleborus niger , I have them in my garden too and just love when they show their bloom after a long and dark season .

    1. Thank you, Jane and many thanks for identifying that vigorous little winter flowering plant. I will surely plant more after Spring makes its way here!

  2. LOVE the portrait Susan!!!! Unruly hair is an Artist ‘s dream!!! Lol. I love the colors in her scarf....beautiful work. The flowers surprise me because to bloom in the winter is unheard of here in New York... what a treat that would be!!!
    As always I love your rabbits, my friend!!!!

    1. Yes - I love unruly hair and that perfect little curl at the back was almost too good to be true! Many thanks, Hilda!

  3. I am envious of that much grey hair...wish it were mine! You painted it so confidently - wonderful. I also love the way you painted the eyes in shadow and the back of the shirt.

    Another great rabbit dream. I guess I would dream tubes of paint and brushes!

    1. I wish it was mine as well - I definitely had hair envy as I painted her!

  4. Love the portrait! Such softness in the hair.
    The Christmas Roses - helleborus - are amazing, they bloom in a garden near my apartment. I'm sure they'll survive the blanket of snow.

    1. I hope so, Judy - the snow has begun to melt and I can't wait to see if they weathered being buried for so many days!

  5. Dag Susan, het is een prachtig portret : een lieve dame met fantastisch haar !
    Je helleboris staat er mooi bij, en het mooie ervan is dat die de sneeuw kan verdragen. groetjes van Simonne

  6. I am amazed at the hardiness of this little plant - and I had never heard of it before. So happy it is in my garden!


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