"Paintings have a life of their own that derives from the painter's soul." Vincent Van Gogh

Sunday, February 10, 2019

From Portrait to Figure-and LOTS of Snow!

 Decided to take a break from portraits and do a figure painting yesterday.

Oil on linen / 12x16

A closer look....
It began snowing as I was painting - just a delicate beautiful snowfall. But the storm continued throughout the night and when we awoke this morning we were greeted by a winter wonderland!

Early morning view from the front walkway.

My husband and the snowblower - both getting a real workout!  

Afternoon delight in Reno, Nevada!


  1. Masterful job on her hair...wow.. and Mother Nature did a masterful job with the beautiful, snowy view.

  2. Thanks, Julie - the power and beauty of Mother Nature is just awesome!

  3. Dag Susan, het is een prachtig werk !
    Mooie foto's van het sneeuwlandschap....
    groetjes van Simonne

  4. Another beauty! Gorgeous hair and I am enthralled with her hands. I love the informality of every painting you do!

  5. Encore moi !

    Une lumière extraordinaire sur ce magnifique portrait...
    Wouhaou ! Quelle neige vous avez !!
    Je te fais de gros bisous,


Your comments are welcome and brighten my day!