"Paintings have a life of their own that derives from the painter's soul." Vincent Van Gogh

Monday, March 3, 2014

Art Mash 4

Kim / oil on linen panel / 14 x 18
Open studio life sketch done yesterday at the NV Museum of Art studio. What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon!


  1. Hello Susan! I am thrilled to be the first to comment on this wondrous work of art! You and your great paintings always amaze me. This piece is certainly no exception! Great work! The pose is outstanding. The colors are off the chart so very interesting. Lights and darks! Great movement and so much more! Always fantastic skill! Good for you Susan! Life is short! Paint!
    Your art buddy!

    1. Hi, Michael! Thank you for stopping by and your always upbeat comments - you make me smile! Hopefully I am learning a lot from these open studio life sessions. With this one I focused on getting the skin tones correct and I am pleased. She was a great model and her hair inspired me!

  2. Everything that Michael said plus: I'm jealous as hell that your museum has an open art studio on Sundays for adults and ours doesn't--only for kids. Sundays is family day at our DIA.

    1. Its almost a miracle that we have daytime open studios as, in the past, like your museum, the weekends were devoted to children's classes. Life sessions were held mostly at night - not good for me. So this one is a real blessing and I hope to attend as often as possible.

  3. Lovely painting and lovely colours Susan. Bags of life in her. All the best.

    1. Thanks so much, Vic. After getting the proportions correct, I concentrated on the color in this - mostly her lovely skin tones and how they picked up the orange from the scarf here and there.

  4. Beautifully relaxed Venus , perfect proportions and great colors. All painted in your very personal and eye catching style.

    1. Many thanks, Jane. She did relax beautifully into the pose and the lightening was great. A great day for painting!

  5. Prachtig gedaan Susan, helemaal uw eigen stijl en kleuren !

    1. That means a lot to me, Simmone - many thanks for saying so!

  6. You did an excellent job on this life drawing, Susan. I love the purple background and the splashes of purple in her hair as well!!! Wonderful work!!!

    1. Yes, isn't that purple wonderful! It would be fun to paint a full on portrait of this model - her hair was spectacular!

  7. Bonjour ma chère Susan,
    Comme il est bon de vous retrouver et d'admirer vos nouvelles oeuvres. Un véritable bon moment !
    Vous avez certainement vécu une exceptionnelle journée au musée. Le travail que j'admire est fascinant et incroyable. J'aime la manière lascive qu'a votre jeune femme. Les nuances de couleurs de sa peau sont extraordinaires... De très beaux jeux de lumière la caressent... Merveilleux !
    Gros bisous à vous !
    Je ne sais plus si nous nous tutoyions ou vouvoyions ? Le temps qui passe a tout effacé en moi !!... Pour tout vous ou te dire je préfère le "tu" si tu permets !
    Gros bisous encore

    1. Welcome back my dear Martine - I have missed you and hope your had a wonderful time on your travels! I am focusing a lot of energy these days on painting from life in both open figure and open portrait sessions. What fun it has been and what a challenge as a time for experimentation and learning. And I do believe we are tutoyions! Many thanks, my friend, for your kind comments!


Your comments are welcome and brighten my day!