"Paintings have a life of their own that derives from the painter's soul." Vincent Van Gogh

Friday, December 9, 2011

Workshop Efforts

You may have wondered why there are 3 separate pieces of one painting - I wanted to post the life figure painting I did today in my evening class but did not want to put the nudity warning on my blog as I rarely post nude paintings. I was pleased with this one and wanted to post it - I wonder if it was worthwhile editing it like this - lol! The painting took about 3 hours and is 18 x 24 linen board. The instructor, Alison Harris, had to assure me that the model really was green in the shadow areas and once I allowed myself to see that, I did okay. The pose was difficult as she faced me fairly directly but I do believe that I caught the way her weight was balanced on her left hand and arm - if you could see the whole painting you might agree with me! The other pieces are pencil drawings of our previous model Ron - each one about 25 minutes. I am thoroughly enjoying this workshop and am sorry that it will be over next week - it zipped by so quickly.


  1. Une bien belle capture... Très amusantes ces coupures photographiques!!
    Vos autres croquis sont aussi excellents. Je suis très admirative et étonnée par la rapidité avec laquelle vous avez peint cette belle demoiselle! Moi je suis si lente... Dommage que vous soyez loin, je serais bien venue peindre avec vous, afin que vous me donniez le bon tempo!
    Gros bisous ma chère Susan

  2. What a unique way of by-passing the nudity warning!

  3. Thank you dear MartineAlison - I think the workshop is helping me to paint quickly as there is only one session with each model - and then the opportunity is gone! If given more time, I might have refined the painting or added a few details - or maybe not! I, too, would love to paint with you - maybe some day!

  4. I considered putting black block out strips across her body, Kathryn, but decided to crop away!

  5. I think the cropped versions are a great idea and still let us see the talent that you have for capturing that essence. Wonderful job! Love the sketches too! Your brushwork is so wonderful- ALWAYS admire it and am a huge fan! Your confidence shines through!

  6. I have a strong suspicion that you just MAY be the star pupil in this class! How I envy your opportunity to take a life painting class...they just aren't available where I live.... :-(
    This painting is lovely and I appreciate your sensitivity to your viewers - I would love to see the entire painting, tho!

  7. Hi, Kathy - oh gosh, how I love your enthusiasm! You are such a wonderful support and I appreciate it so much!
    I love the life class, Debbie, and was so thrilled to find this one in Reno. Painting from life really stretches my capabilites and I love that feeling. I wish you could find one to attend or maybe start one in your area.


Your comments are welcome and brighten my day!