"Paintings have a life of their own that derives from the painter's soul." Vincent Van Gogh

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Work in Progress

Untitled so far - 18x24 oil on linen.


  1. Love seeing your process. Your brushwork is fabulous and I can see where the strong dynamic confident marks come in. I laughed when I saw this and thought "head over heels"....You are a favorite and I love seeing your posts. Merry Merry!

  2. C'est toujours avec délice que je savoure l'évolution de votre travail ma chère Susan. Et celui de vos chevaux me plaît particulièrement.
    gros bisous

  3. Thanks for the title suggestion, Kathy - I love it! And as always, thank you for such unabashed encourgement - I am a great fan of yours as well!
    I am so glad you have returned and are beginning to delight us with your work again, MartineAlsion - thank you for stopping by!

  4. Love it, Susan. But how do you manage to catch riders at their worst??? :)

  5. It's so interesting to see the color transformations your painting goes through! It shows how color dynamics can completely change the feeling in a painting. Don't you just love color?

    Fun painting. I always like your unusual point of view. It's as exciting and engaging as your brushstroke.

  6. Hi, Kathryn - I am drawn to subjects and compositions that allow me to show moments and events that might not otherwise be easily observed. My attempt is to take the subject and transcend it by showing the viewer more than is readily seen by human senses - lol - a lofty goal and one I strive for with each piece. Perhaps someday I will get close to achieving this.
    Susan, thank you for your comment about color and your very encouraging words. I do love color and am always fascinated in placing one stroke of color next to the other!


Your comments are welcome and brighten my day!