"Paintings have a life of their own that derives from the painter's soul." Vincent Van Gogh

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Color of Magic

The Color of Magic / oil on masonite panel / 16 x 12
Having fun painting again!

My husband and I just got back from another trip to California - this one for business with very little pleasure. He is traveling to Las Vegas in March for a week long Mathematics Convention and after that, we are planning a very exciting get-away for early May. The details are just coming together and I will post more when its for certain. I intend to spend the next few days catching up on blogs and painting, painting, painting. Please feel free to comment on this exuberant work - I welcome hearing all your thoughts and reactions!


  1. Bonjour chère Susan,

    Je n'étais pas très présente sur les blogs et aujourd'hui je suis très très heureuse de découvrir cette dernière oeuvre.
    J'aime l'allure et l'attitude de ce cheval. Il est juste fantastique et épatant.
    Le cavalier est tout en mouvement... Ce cheval et lui ne font qu'un.
    Une très belle peinture, une peinture attachante.
    Des couleurs éblouissantes.

    Gros bisous ♡

    1. Your comments are always so generous and make me happy! Thank you, Martine!

    2. Bonjour chère Susan,

      Comme je ne suis pas très régulière, même souvent absente sur les blogs en ce moment, je pensais à vous (ou à toi si tu me permets de te tutoyer!). J'espère que tu vas bien et que tu travailles bien... J'ai hâte de pouvoir admirer tes prochaines oeuvres.
      Depuis un certain temps, je cours après le temps... Je continue de peindre beaucoup mais j'ai l'impression de travailler plus lentement...
      Je viens de profiter de ce petit moment pour faire un petit retour en arrière pour regarder à nouveau tes oeuvres...

      gros bisous

    3. You are so kind to stop by to check on my blog. I am ashamed to say I have neglected posting recently - I always seem to run out of time. My family and I are going to spend some time in the Netherlands and Rome next month and getting ready for that, spending as much time at the easel as possible and attending to other life commitments seems to be about all that I can handle! I promise a new update soon and I greatly appreciate your attention. Many, many thanks, MartineAlison - you are such a dear internet friend!

  2. Exuberant - yes. Full of movement and energy. I love the colors too. I always marvel at your talent.

    1. Those words mean so much to me. Thank you, Julie.

  3. Bloody mad horse you’d have to be crazy to get up on that one Susan :)

    1. I am in complete agreement, Dave! He seems a lot to handle!

  4. Oh! Susan, What a brilliant painting. I agree with Journeyman above, you would have to be mad to get up on this Horse. You are a lucky lady to have all those wonderful breaks Susan. Good luck to you my friend. all the best Susan.

    1. I think he might give pause to even an excellent horseman! Thank you kindly, Vic.

  5. LOVE this painting Susan!!!! Always full of movement....and your horses are always unique!!!!

    1. Many, many thanks, Hilda - your comment made my day!

  6. Been away from your fabulous work far too long. Stunning as always. Full of life, movement, color and charm! Glad you had a nice vaycay, thanks for the snaps. Hope all is well with you.

    1. So nice to hear from you, Suz - and to see that you have been painting up a storm! That is just wonderful! Getting really excited about our next trip - I do hope it comes together. More on that later!

  7. I really love your happy horse, Susan! Love to hear about your plans soon!

    1. Many thanks, Judy! This next vacation may turn out to be the best one ever! Keeping fingers crossed!

  8. That is one feisty horse!! [and I know feisty horses] Love the painting - the movement, the life, the colors. And I see a wonderful series of coherent shapes from tail to rider to horse's head. Truly a wonderful painting, Susan!

  9. Such power , color and energy in this gorgeous painting, the horse really tells the story :-))

  10. This has a strong feel of a crazy ride! Lots of action! Thanks Susan for all your recent nice comments. I appreciate that you take the time!

  11. I'm so glad to see you painting again... and I LOVE this one! The perspective is brilliant and as always, so full of energy!

  12. The horse seems to be saying, 'I'll go my way, if I want." yet the rider seems well in control. In frustration, the horse says to us, "And what are you lot looking at?"

    Not one to be messing with.

  13. Hello Susan!
    Short note to let you know I am still out here checking out your wonderful blog! I love your art very much!
    Take care buddy!

  14. Dag Susan, blij je terug te zien, ik bewonder steeds je paarden in je werken!
    groetjes van Simonne

  15. A beautiful colors on this horse at full speed !
    Wonderful painting !

  16. The movement and speed are so difficult to paint but so well shown here. I like this work.
    My blogging loses its actuality as time goes by, at least it is so difficult to start again after long absence. Nothing can be compared to the intensity of the real world.


Your comments are welcome and brighten my day!