"Paintings have a life of their own that derives from the painter's soul." Vincent Van Gogh

Monday, April 29, 2013

Ballerina #30

Ballerina #30 / oil on linen panel / 18 x 24
Another ballerina takes stage front! This one is 18 x 24, oil on Fredrix linen panel. I love the texture of the Fredrix linen and how it grabs the paint but wish it was a little bit less expensive. Even though I love it, I only buy it when I can splurge once in a while.


  1. You are on a roll, Susan, turning out these wonderful images. I have been so ridiculously busy that I have only just caught up with you!

    I particularly liked #29

    1. Thanks, John - and your acrylic painting is coming along beautifully!

  2. Susan!
    You are one rocking talented artist!
    I am thrilled each time I check out your blog!
    "So good! So good!"

  3. I NEVER get tired of these ladies....love this one Susan...wonderful colors and light..I love her expression as well.

    1. Thank you greatly, HIlda. I am glad you like them because I think there are still more to come!

  4. J'aime la manière que cette ballerine soulève ses bras avec tant de légèreté... Les couleurs sont aussi aériennes... Un merveilleux travail.
    Tout comme vous j'aime travailler sur des toiles de belle qualité. Je dépense beaucoup pour elles ! pour les pinceaux aussi, pour les huiles aussi ! Je ne fais pas de shopping ! mais je suis dépensière pour le matériel de peinture ! C'est mon vice!
    Mais il est vrai que j'ai remarqué une "sacrée" augmentation dans le prix des toiles. J'ai retrouvé pas plus tard que la semaine dernière la facture de mes précédentes toiles et je l'ai comparée avec celle des achats de ces derniers jours.
    Il y a un peu plus de un an j'avais acheté 15 toiles de 50 x 50 cm pour 510 euros. Et là je viens de payer 518 euros pour seulement 10 toiles ! Incroyable, n'est-ce pas !

    Gros bisous

    1. I have noticed an increase in almost all art supplies over the past year or two - especially oil paint. I search the internet for the best prices before ordering my canvases or paints. Is there no end in sight?!!!

  5. your work is a feast of color and movement, i love every stroke, just wonderful!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Suzanne. I am on a quest to loosen up. It's amazing how difficult that can be.....

  6. Wonderful composition and color. I love the red lines--and your zaftig ballerinas. Your sense of humor is delightful.

    1. Many thanks, Linda. I feel like these weighty ballerinas just need to express themselves. I am sure there are more yet to come.

  7. Great to enjoy catching up with what you have been doing. You have a masterful command of figure, light, color and paint quality. It is such a pleasure to visit your blog.

    1. Many thanks, Julie. I try to express so many things through these ballerina pieces and I am thrilled to read your words. Thanks so much for your support.

  8. She's one of my favorites, Susan. I love her.

    Maybe the linen speaks to you and is worth the price..?


Your comments are welcome and brighten my day!