Frank / Conte crayon / tan laid paper / 14 x 11 |
After long weeks, days, hours of struggling at my easel, I finally found inspiration this morning in the interesting and unique face of our wonderful model Frank. Frank is an investigative journalist, a professor of journalism, a historian and an author. He is funny and kind and he relaxed easily into his role of model and muse. For the first time in a long long time, I felt a connection to what was happening on the paper - the graphite and Conte marks emerging on the rough paper were Frank but they were me, too. This gives me hope that I will be able to break out of my current states of despair and exasperation at the easel. Is there such a thing as trying too hard? That is what is happening to me - but today, with Frank, I felt free of that - free of the need to succeed. After carefully considering the subject, choosing my spot wisely and freeing my mind, I let the pencil do the work.
Frank / Ebony graphite / 20 x 18 |
And a word of wonder and thanks to those of you who noticed my long absence and privately expressed concern. The very singular relations that have developed with fellow artists here in cyberspace are, without a doubt, strongly influential and deeply meaningful to me. Thank you.